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Store Your Fondant For Future Use with These Quick Tips

Cake decorating has expanded beyond simply throwing some frosting on top when you’re done. Fondant has made it possible to shape, color and create custom cakes and designs you’d never have imagined would be possible. Don’t let the intimidation of new territory stifle your creativity as you enter into the world of possibilities that fondant creates with these useful cake baking tips that the pros at Apex cake shop utilize when using this unique substance for the best results possible.

Cake Baking Tips when Using Fondant

Use a smooth surface or covering such as a cutting board or wax paper dusted with corn starch or powdered sugar to keep it from sticking to your surface. Put some on your hands as well.

  • Knead the fondant to make it smoother and easier to shape
  • Roll it out into with a rolling pin to about ¼ inch thick or roughly the thickness of a popsicle stick
  • Rotate it as you’re rolling it to prevent sticking
  • Repair small rips in your design by putting a small amount of vegetable oil on it and smoothing the surface with your fingers
  • Do not put the fondant on the cake until the day you’re using it to eliminate the risk of colors bleeding. You want the fondant to dry out after the design is complete

Storing Fondant

  • Place small pieces you’re working with in plastic wrap or bags so it doesn’t get hard
  • Save the remaining fondant in an airtight container to prevent hardening
  • Roll the fondant into a ball or similar shape and apply a very thin layer of solid vegetable shortening on it before storing to preserve it

Fondant is something that can be tricky to use but allows you to create amazing and unique creations. If you want a cake that is different and stands out from the rest but aren’t quite too confident quite sure you can pull it off, give us a call today at Apex cake shop to place an order. We are experienced and can create all sorts of custom cakes to suit any occasion.